Tuesday 9 October 2012

Coffee, tea and me.

Coffee and tea is a well-known commodity worldwide. It’s universal. People around the globe are drinking coffee and tea..even as you are reading this blog. This means that the world does not sleep. There is always people around the world who are doing something or even working.

For me, being part of a global support centre sometimes can take its toll. This is because the global support centre is based only in Malaysia. Yes, Thomas L. Friedman was right. The world is certainly getting smaller. As demand grows, so does support issues. Thus when there are issues we need to work during weekends. 

Luckily via technology, we are able to work from home. Using VPN (virtual private network), we are still able to access the company’s system. One thing good is that, when we work from home during weekends..we are entitled for a replacement leave (1 for 1). Meaning 1 day working during weekends, we are entitled for 1 day replacement leave.

Personally for me, a day working throughout weekend and getting a replacement leave on next Monday is different. Why? Because weekend is family time. Nothing can replace these precious moments and taking leave on the next Monday is certainly “lonely”. Probably, I can suggest for the company to come out with a new benefit structure say like giving two (2) days replacement leave…hehehehe. That would be fun.
While I can just dream of such benefit…its better for me to just relax and enjoy my cup of coffee. Cheers! =D

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